What’s common between Ranveer Singh and Ranbir Kapoor apart from Deepika Padukone being their lady interest at some point of time or the other? It’s their fascination with clothes and outfits. Both Ranbir and Deepika dated when they were new in the industry but eventually, it was Ranveer Singh who made Deepika feel like a queen as they got married. Both Ranveer and Ranbir’s type of fashion is quite different from one another. While Ranveer is always into going bold with quirky outfits, Ranbir likes to keep things simple.
Be it his jackets or his shirts or shoes, he likes to keep it simple and straight. Ranveer, however, loves his experiments with outfits. But certainly one can vouch for the fact that when we get to see their wardrobe, we will find a lot of interesting stuff. So today, we are going to show you a bit of their stylish wardrobe that will give you some serious fashion goals. Check out the photos below –