Karishma Tanna is a Bollywood film and television actress, anchor, and model. She made her appearance with the television show Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi in 2001. She got her fair share of recognition for a few of her roles in Nagarjuna and Ek Yoddha.

This actress still has it! She has modeled many different kinds of apparel before and she has rocked them. She recently was spotted in a hot mini dress. While in Goa she was spotted wearing quite a few beach outfits including bikinis, summer dresses, and rompers.

The mini dress that caught everyone’s eyes the most was a cool shade of light green and was designed with some really eccentric patterns. The eccentric patterns gave it an almost boho vibe which is perfect for a Goa trip! She paired the dress with the classic footwear, slippers. She had her hair tied up probably to escape the heat and a pair of cool shade as well! It was a cool ensemble and was well put together!

The ensemble is a cool shade of light green, along with the breezy style, and the boho vibes of the eccentric pattern make it a perfect dress for summer! A perfect summer OOTD! You can’t go wrong with this outfit on a hot summer’s day!

Many of her fans seem to think the same. Her fans loved her picture and rained compliments down on her in the comments section. Take a look at the actress, Karishma Tanna posing in her printed mini-dress,

Karishma Tanna's Printed Mini Dress Is Perfect For Your Summer OOTD 823350

Do you think this outfit is the perfect summer OOTD as well?