Kiara Advani is one name in Bollywood who’s currently enjoying the time of her time. Although Kiara’s career didn’t start off on a high as movies like Fugly and Machine bombed badly at the box office, she made a stellar comeback and roared her way back in the box office once again after the super success of Kabir Singh. She continued the success quotient with the multistarrer ensemble project of Good Newwz but her success streak took a bit of a beating when her Netflix film Guilty didn’t do well.

This made critics raise questions against Kiara that she’s as of now good enough only with projects with a big star cast or a star. While some credited the success of Kabir Singh and Good Newwz to her co-stars thereby saying that she is overrated, another section of her fans strongly vouched for her saying that she deserves all the success because she’s herself responsible for it. This has sparked quite a debate earlier on social media with fan clubs being divided.

But which side are you in readers? Do you feel Kiara is deserving of everything she is getting or is she overrated? Yes/No?

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