A new video of Janhvi Kapoor is going viral on the internet, where the actress is spotted outside her gym. The actress sported a comfy and casual look for the day and didn’t really attend the paparazzies who were asking, how is she. The actress straight away headed to her car and slammed the door.
Now, this didn’t really go well with the netizens and they brutally trolled the actress. While that many also came out to support the actress in the comments too!
Soon after the video got shared by Viral Bhayani, netizens dropped comments like, “Bahut gusse me lag rahi hai”, “Itna attitude”, “Damnn..her dress reminds me of Rupa Frontline”, “Itna attitude kyon”, “Kyon aise ghamandiyo ko bhav dete ho”, “Attitude”, as quoted by Times Now.