Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt started their career around two different times but have one thing in common, their families have been in Bollywood for decades. While Ranbir made his not-so-happening debut with Saawariya in 2007, Alia came 5 years later in her own scintillating way with Student Of The Year in 2012. Their journeys separate, but common friends and gang got them together under the same roof multiple times. Since then, their love story kicked off and from staying together happy in parties to staying beside each other at a time of crisis like that of Rishi Kapoor’s tragic death, they have been through it all. While a lot of people think they know all about Ranbir and Alia, that’s actually not the case. So today, we reveal to you 3 lesser-known facts about Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s relationship
1) Not many know that even before dating Ranbir, Alia has always maintained that Ranbir Kapoor has been her crush since ever. Today, she’s dating her crush.
2) Not many know that their mutual friend Ayan Mukherji has had a big role to play in stabilizing their relationship
3) Ranbir’s family and Alia’s families have always been close to each other and when both families learnt that their children are dating, there was an air of immediate acceptance which was not the case earlier in either of their dating cases below
So, guys, how many of these three did you guys actually know earlier? Let us know your views in the comments below. For more updates, stay tuned to IWMBuzz.com