Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor are the most loved duo in Bollywood. The duo have been together for a long time and have impressed us with their cute chemistry. The stars are successful in their career and have been rocking the industry for a long time. The stars have appeared in numerous films and have a huge fan following. The duo is seen giving us major couple goals and mesmerizing us with their cute looks.

Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor were spotted at the airport, and they just stunned the airport look perfectly. Arjun Kapoor wore black pants with a blue shirt and yellow sunglasses. He paired his outfit with brown velvet shoes and just rocked the outfit perfectly. He kept his look casual and simple. Malaika Arora looked stylish in her grey tank top with black flared jeans and just sizzled the outfit perfectly. She was looking damn hot and sassy and nailed the airport look marvelously.

The airport look of the star is just fab. Fans are wondering where the stars are traveling, and they look fabulous at the airport. The stars have impressed millions of fans with their cute looks. They always keep their style game on top and look marvelous. The actors love to keep their airport looks classy and comfortable.

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