Malayalam producer-actor Sandra Thomas in the latest interview with Indian Express, spilled beans about the alleged drug abuse in the Kerala film industry. She majorly focused on the urgent need for authorities to take strict action. Read below to find out what she said.

Sandra Thomas Reveals About Drug Abuse

She said, “It’s true that drug usage is rampant in Malayalam cinema. It’s high time we controlled it because there are plenty of issues associated with it. People who take these drugs don’t sleep at night, so they’re always late for the shoot. We also don’t know when they’re sober. They’ll nod at all our instructions, but they won’t be listening. They keep forgetting the time and dates. At the end of the day, it’s the producer who suffers.”

View Instagram Post 1: Malayalam Producer Sandra Thomas Spills Beans On Drug Abuse In The Industry

She further added about the Shane Nigam and the RDX issue, “It’s a nightmare to handle uncooperative actors. While hiring actors, we send them the script first. They agree to be part of the project after reading the script, right? So there’s no question of ordering any alterations during a shoot. But in Shane Nigam’s case, I don’t know what’s wrong with his request to check the edited footage. It becomes a problem only when he tries to be involved in the process and demands modifications according to his wish.”

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