South queen Keerthy Suresh has set the internet abuzz, delighting her fans by sharing a bunch of unseen photos from her mehendi ceremony with her husband, Antony Thattil. All the photos are going viral on the internet. It’s not only about the beautiful moments and chemistry between Keerthy and Antony but also their customized outfits, hairstyles, and mehendi designs.

Taking to her Instagram, Keerthy shared photos with the caption, “This one was for the #தமிழ்பொன்னு in me OR The #மணப்பெண். Tamizh Marudani meets Bollywood Kitsch! #ForTheLoveOfNyke.” However, let’s have a fully customized mehendi look.

Keerthy’s Playful Look

Keerthy wore a beautiful floral blouse embellished with motifs and sequins, paired with a thin slip, adding a playful vibe. She teamed the blouse with a matching below-ankle-length skirt featuring playful prints, colors, and embellishments. The simple pink dupatta rounded her look.

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Hairstyle And Makeup

Keerthy opted for comfort and a puffy hairstyle and accessorised her look with long diamond earrings, bangles, and multiple rings. At the same time, natural dewy makeup and sunglasses made her look cool.

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Mehendi Designs

For the Mehendi ceremony, the actress ditched heavy designs or patterns, choosing simple circular patterns designed with bae hands rather than cones.

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Antony’s Look

Antony twined with Keerthy, wearing a blue kurta and white pajama tamed with a white jacket embellished with motifs, prints, and sequins, creating a playful look.

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