Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt started their career around two different times but have one thing in common, their families have been in Bollywood for decades. While Ranbir made his not-so-happening debut with Saawariya in 2007, Alia came 5 years later in her own scintillating way with Student Of The Year in 2012. Their journeys separate, but common friends and gang got them together under the same roof multiple times.
Since her early years in the industry to her confessing time and again about her crush on Ranbir, she’s done it all. Ranbir had a different love life though with ex-flame Katrina Kaif. Alia too had been dating Sidharth Malhotra around that time. Both were well settled in their personal and professional space.
However, destiny had something else in store for the two. Soon as talks of Brahmastra started going around, rumors started coming in of them dating. Although initially not believable, soon confirmations started doing round when Alia was spotted often with their parents. Alia too had been like a rock-solid foundation throughout the entire phase when Rishi Kapoor was down with cancer in the US.
Finally, after having seen a lot of tough time together on a personal level, Ranbir-Alia is all hunky-dory in their relationship at the moment and given the speculations which are on an all-time high, the couple is pretty much set to get married around the end of the year.
So, what do you guys have to say about the love story of this dynamic pair? Share your views in comments below. For more such updates, stay tuned to IWMBuzz.com.