Quite recently, Rashmika Mandanna, a South film actress took to Instagram for live interaction with her fans. The LIVE event was filled with conversations about her movies, her likes, and dislikes, even the pandemic. She started the LIVE event by discussing the surge in the COVID-19 cases. She advised her fans to always have their masks on, no matter how irritating it gets! She also told them to stay home and stay safe. She told them that everyone knows a second wave would come but what they didn’t expect was just how bad businesses would be hit.
The actress went on to talk about how thankful she was for all the love and birthday wishes she received on the 5th of April. However, since she was working on her birthday she couldn’t thank them earlier. Instead, she thanked them again during the live interaction. The interaction brought on topics like the movie she is working on and some of her future projects as well such as Goodbye, Mission Manju, Pushpa, and Aadaavallu Meeku Johaarlu. She also talked a bit about her family letting her fans know that they were okay.
Soon, the fans came on the topic of dating. A fan asked the actress if she would go on a date with him, to which the actress said, “I don’t know how to date and if asked, I would prefer doing adventurous sports. That’s my kind of date.” Another fan asked the burning question that a lot of people want to know! They asked who her boyfriend was. Rashmika replied, ‘Work… Bass… I don’t have time for anything else.’ Overall, it was a fun interaction and you can check it out here.
View Instagram Post 1: OMG: Rashmika Mandanna's Idea Of Date Is Adventurous Sports, But With Whom?
She wrapped up the session with a sweet message for her fans, “Each day it is your love that keeps me going. I know I have been away because I’m working but as soon as work gets easier and lighter, you will have all of me. So till then, wait for me.”
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