Rashmika Mandanna and Vijay Deverakonda have earned a lot of love from the netizens with their work onscreen, the actresses have thrilled us with their onscreen chemistry. The two have shared the screen for the third time in Liger and now the actress has opened about her chemistry and offscreen bond with Vijay Deverakonda.
In a conversation with Pink Villa, the actress said, “I think we are such good friends. He is literally my best friend off-screen. Both of our energies match and blend. We don’t even have to put in an effort for chemistry. Vijay and I just work on the screen,”
She added, Regarding our third film together you will have to just ask him. He has been busy shooting for Liger and I have been waiting for that film. I am curious to see what happens next. We will do a film if my timeline and his timeline match,”