Nora Fatehi is absolutely on a roll in Bollywood since the time she made her debut in Bollywood. She stormed into the scene with the extremely popular song Dilbar and since then she’s been the face to go forward with in the industry whenever it comes to a dance number, courtesy her impeccable dancing skills.

Time and again, we have seen her raising the oomph quotient. Be it Kamariya or Garmi, she’s on top of her game in all and so without any doubt one of the prettiest in the business. Well, not one of the prettiest. Certainly, the prettiest as that’s what she and her confidence give out the vibe of when we see her latest Instagram photo along with the caption where she literally stuns in purple. Check out the photo below –

View Instagram Post 1: [In Photo] There's No Comparison With Gorgeous Nora Fatehi's Beauty