Pooja Hegde made a statement appearance at the trailer launch of the upcoming episode Deva. She grabbed the spotlight wearing a sizzling red mini-dress, accentuating her curvy figure and exuding confidence. The hot red color choice enhanced the actress’s radiant skin, while the off-shoulder full sleeves with a halter neckline defined her shape collarbones and beautiful shoulders. The actress looked as gorgeous as ever in the red dress.

Pooja’s mini dress had a fitted silhouette, giving the actress a look that combines fashion and empowerment. The low hemline allows her stunning legs to take center stage. With her daring choices, the actress always slays. To elevate her charm, the actress opted for golden earrings, adding a sparkling touch while the rings in her hand looked beautiful.

Pooja Hegde Slays In A Hot Red Mini Dress For Deva Trailer Launch, See Pics 933140

Pooja Hegde Slays In A Hot Red Mini Dress For Deva Trailer Launch, See Pics 933141

But wait, that’s not all! Pooja left her hair open to give her a breezy and messy look. But her bold black eyes, shiny blush cheeks, and glossy cherry lips perfectly complemented her appearance, making her look breathtakingly beautiful. The metallic red heels looked good with the actress’s red dress, perfect for red carpet moments. With her bold and elegant style, Pooja made heads turn at the trailer launch. Once again, she proved herself to be a true fashionista in the latest glam.

Pooja Hegde and Shahid Kapoor starrer ‘Deva’ is all set to release in theatres on 31st January 2025.