Ranbir Kapoor has had quite an interesting ‘dating’ journey in Bollywood. Ranbir made his debut long back in the year 2007 with Saawariya. Although the movie didn’t do as well as he would have liked to, he showed his potential and bounced back strong with movies like Bachna Ae Haseeno, Rockstar, Barfi, Tamasha, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Sanju, and Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani. Throughout this entire tenure, he has dated women like Deepika Padukone, Katrina Kaif to now eventually Alia Bhatt.

Alia who made her debut in Student Of The Year in 2012 has maintained the fact that she was smitten by Ranbir’s charm always. And not many would have certainly predicted that both would actually end up dating. But God and destiny had similar plans which brought them together and today they are a happy couple. One must praise Alia for constantly being there with Ranbir at the time of crisis when Rishi Kapoor passed away. Today, however, we want to show you a happy note and moment when both Ranbir and Alia were seen dancing to Alia’s famous song ‘Ishq Wala Love’ on-stage. Check out the cute moment here –