A picture of the adorable lovebirds of Bollywood Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor is going viral on the internet, where the two were caught posing with their fan on their trip to Panchgani.
In the picture we can see Alia Bhatt posing in a box sweatshirt along with black yoga pants, smiling at the camera, while RK extended his arms on the fan’s shoulder.
While it’s unsure that where the picture’s been taken, a Twitter handle said it’s in Panchgani, captioning the picture, saying, “Take a look at this unseen picture of #RanbirKapoor and #AliaBhatt posing with a fan during their recent trip to Panchgani (sic),” as stated in India Today.
Take a look at this unseen picture of #RanbirKapoor and #AliaBhatt posing with a fan during their recent trip to Panchgani.
. #filmygyantelly1 pic.twitter.com/Gqo3MGWhvY— filmygyantelly1 (@filmygyantelly1) October 4, 2021