Rashmika Mandanna, the Telugu actress made her debut with the 2016 movie Kirik Party. Since then she has made quite a name for herself and garnered quite a huge fan following. Recently she swiftly made a place for herself in Bollywood as well! After working in various Southern language films, she is finally moving into Hindi Cinema. She is playing the leading role in Mission Manju alongside Sidharth Malhotra. She will also share the screen with Amitabh Bachchan, Pavail Gulati, and Neena Gupta in the movie, Good Bye.

According to a Times Of India report, during an interaction, when asked about an actor that inspired her and someone she looked up to as a child, she replied, “One of my greatest inspirations while growing up was Madhuri Dixit. I have grown up loving her dance moves and emulating them at times at home. But as an actress, I don’t have anyone in the business who inspires me. I believe that if I have to seek inspiration, I have to know the person in and out – personally and professionally. There’s no point knowing just the performances of any actor. My mother is a huge inspiration for me, but she is not an actress. She doesn’t know how things work in this line of business”.

The actress also mentioned three actresses that she looked up to, “Madhuri Dixit, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, and Kareena Kapoor Khan”. She adds that she has put Deepika Padukone and Alia Bhatt on the list as well. She called them “lovely women” and that she “looks forward to their work” claiming that they had their own journeys and that she understands how hard it is. She’s always cheering for other women whether she knows them personally or not. She says that she supports “their journeys and salutes their achievements.”

Let us know in the comments what your thoughts are on Rashmika Mandanna’s list of lovely women that have inspired her!

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