Rashmika Mandanna, the Pushpa actress is making hurls on the internet, with her amazing dance to the song Saami Saami in the movie. And while we have been awed over her stunning dance steps, and attitude in the song, the actress, besides that is wowing us with her glamourous ever style file.

That being said, the actress who is quite active in the digital space has now shared a video on her YouTube shorts, taking her fans to the green room. Where she gets all decked up and glammed up in her deep-neck red gown. The actress kept the look sheer and saucy, while we go all baffled with poise at the moment.

The video starts off with Rashmika Mandanna getting her hair done, followed by makeup and then a major transition where she brings up her classic look in a red deep-neck ruffled gown.

The actress completed the look with a bold sheer makeup look, nude lips and chic accessories.

Talking of her work front, the actress is all set to make her Bollywood debut with the film Mission Majnu alongside Sidharth Malhotra. She also has got other projects in the timeline with other Bollywood Biggies.