Rashmika Mandanna, an Indian actress mainly working in the Telugu and Kannada film industry. She has quite the acting skill and has won a few accolades for her roles, including a Filmfare Award! She made her debut back in 2016 with her movie, Kirik Party.

Since then she had been working on many different projects including other movies, modeling, even starring in a music video. She has appeared in some really quirky looks before! It is always fun to see new posts from the actress. Her quirkiness makes for a very entertaining time for her fans.

Recently, she posted a photo on her Instagram handle that had her fans actively responding and just generally having fun! She posted a photo of herself showcasing a bunch of moods… And she did so while styled in a rocking look!

While styling in a cool and stylish jacket, and stunning kohl eyes, the actress showed off her acting skills while posing for some cute and endearing photos. She displayed a bunch of emotions with her expression. She posted a collage of the different ‘moods’, as she described, a few days ago. She captioned the collage with a ‘Mood mood which mood do you choose?’

The fans in the comments section were all praises with hearts and comments like, ‘all are awesome’… We definitely think all her moods are adorable and can relate to most of them after seeing her post! Take a look at the different moods and let us know if you also find these looks of hers extremely cute!

View Instagram Post 1: Rashmika Mandanna Posts Different Mood Looks, These Pictures Are Just Cute