Kiara Advani’s potential as an actor is truly one of Bollywood’s biggest discoveries in the last two years. Although Kiara made her debut way back in 2014 with Fugly, followed by Abbas-Mastan’s Machine in 2016, the movies didn’t help her much and she remained stagnant in her Bollywood career for a long time. It was only after Karan Johar gave her an opportunity with Netflix’s Lust Stories that she showed her true prowess. And then came Kabir Singh in 2019 that shaped her career for good and placed her as one of the A-lister actresses in Bollywood in no time. People may have thought that they know all about Kiara but guys, do you know one basic fact about Kiara? Do you know that Kiara’s actual name is not Kiara but Aaliya. Surprised and wondering how?
Well Kiara had herself revealed the same during an interaction and not just that, she even revealed the reason behind changing the name and the reason is none other than Bollywood’s beloved Bhai, Salman Khan. Kiara said and we quote,
“Aaliya is my first name. Salman Khan suggested me to change it because of Alia Bhatt because there can’t be two actresses with the same name in Bollywood. It was Salman Khan who suggested the change but it was me who chose the name for myself. Today, even my parents call me Kiara.”
So guys, that’s a revelation ain’t it? But what do you guys? Should it actually a big deal in Bollywood if two actresses have the same name? Let us know your views in the comments below. For more updates, stay tuned to