Saif Ali Khan, who has been a part of the film “Bhoot Police” currently, aired on Amazon Prime, has recently opened up about his Pataudi legacy and his acting career, and the constant pressure on him to maintain the legacy. He says that he entered the film industry with a different approach altogether, which apparently wasn’t considered normal back then.
Saif told to Indian Express, saying, “My parents were superstars but they didn’t behave like that. And it’s very easy to take yourself too seriously, whether it’s about having a bunch of bodyguards around or that vibe. You can’t blame somebody who doesn’t know any better. You just don’t have to get carried away by success.”
He also opened up about his Pataudi legacy, he said, “You don’t want people abusing you or throwing chappals at you at Gaiety Galaxy. That’s not why you come into the movie industry. I didn’t have the mental approach like my contemporaries. Some were reigning superstars, some are superstars from their first film till now. My doing well or audience liking me has been a mirror reaction to my mental state. I have a very international perspective on things because of my upbringing and education. And a Westernised anglicised approach is an opposite of a Hindi film hero. They are not very macho. They are soft-spoken. It was a different standard. That was not really settling to me.” As quoted by Hindustan Times