Every year during the auspicious occasion of Eid, Bollywood’s beloved Bhaijaan, Salman Khan comes out with a movie release thereby entertaining his army of fans all around the world. However, this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, everything has come to a standstill and even Bhaijaan’s film ‘Radhe’ which was scheduled to release on Eid this year didn’t make it to the cinemas. But that certainly didn’t harm Bhaijaan’s indomitable spirit and he came up with creative videos and songs during his quarantine phase.
Salman Khan is often regarded as the ‘Star Of The Masses’ and naturally, for a humongous megastar like Salman, his fans like to believe that they know it all about their favourite Bhaijaan. But that’s not true readers. To burst the bubble, today, we are presenting to you all some really rare facts about Salman Khan and his personal life which you wouldn’t know in all probablities. Take a look –
Salman Khan’s full name is Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan
Salman Khan had two very dear pet dogs of his since the early 2000s named ‘My Jaan’ & ‘My Son’ but unfortunately, both of them passed away. As per reports in Filmfare, during that time Bhaijaan didn’t step out of his house for two weeks.
Salman Khan’s bracelet was first given to him by his father. Not many know that he had tried wearing it for the first time only casually but later when it became synonymous to his style statement, he never got rid of it. Today, anyone wearing a similar bracelet is instantaneously recognized as a fan of Salman Khan.
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