Sara Ali Khan stuns in a beautiful white monochromatic attire on a Tuesday. The diva shared some beautiful pictures in the same outfit on her Instagram handle, and we are in absolute awe with every bit of it. The actress who debuted with the movie Kedarnath, is currently busy with her next flick, Gaslight. She was last seen in the movie Atrangi Re.
In the pictures, that Sara Ali Khan shared on her Instagram, we can see her decked up in a stylish white monochrome attire. The diva wore a beautiful noodled strap white corseted top. She teamed it with matching white pants. For makeup, the actress completed the look with filled-in eyebrows, beautiful dewy eyes and nude pink lips. The actress posed with utmost poise in the pictures as she goes sunkissed.
Sara Ali Khan, sharing the pictures on her Instagram wrote, “Wearing White ? Waiting for gaslight ? Hope you’ll have a fright ? But also a great night ? So sit tight ⏰”
Here take a look-
Earlier talking about her character Meesha in the film Gaslight, Sara said, “I think Meesha is a character that isn’t surrounded with love. That’s the first thing about me. I am deeply loved by my mother, father, brother. I don’t have trust issues because I don’t feel lonely. I am very expressive, whether it’s physically or verbally. Whatever is on my mind, you will get to know. Meesha is not like that. She is much more contained. So, it was a very different film and a totally different character to me.” She added, “She is in a wheelchair, so she can’t jump about like I do,” Speaking about how she prepped up for the role, she said, “There was wheelchair training. We had an acting coach, Rupesh sir. We worked on the wheelchair and just tried to make it our own.” As quoted by DNA.
Coming back to her above style file in white, are you in love with the pictures already? Let us know in the comments below-