Vijay Deverakonda is one actor who’s currently enjoying the time of his life at the moment. Vijay has had some super successful movies in his Telugu film career so far with Arjun Reddy and Dear Comrade topping the chart but without any iota of doubt, his biggest claim to fame has to be when Arjun Reddy was remade in Hindi as Kabir Singh. It made Vijay an overnight sensation all over the country and the popularity soon ensured that he earns his big Bollywood debut soon enough after that.
Vijay is currently gearing up for his untitled debut with the amazing Ananya Panday. All you fans know every minute detail about Vijay Deverakonda the actor. But readers, do you know how is Vijay’s life beyond movies? Well today, we reveal it all.
As per republicworld .in, Vijay Deverakonda is someone who loves to spend a lot of time with animals and loves to invest in animal welfare. He also enjoys playing guitar and loves old classic hits of the ’70s and ’80s. Apart from that whenever Vijay is not shooting, he loves to play and spend time with two of his pet dogs whom he has named Storm Deverakonda and Chester Deverakonda.
Adorable ain’t it? For more updates, stay tuned to