Disha Patani was recently at the trailer launch of her upcoming film Ek Villain Returns. The actress looked all piping hot in her co-Ord set. The actress wore a backless black crop top that she teamed with black low-waist pants, that she teamed with a wavy sleek hairdo along with minimal makeup look.
The actor kept it cheeky and hot in the outfit, as she decked it up with dewy makeup dos and a beautiful pair of diamond earrings. The actress, who has time and again given us goals with her sheer toned curves, flaunting her abs, in the pictures, leaving all her fans to go lovestruck. Here take a look-
Sharing the pictures she captioned them with black heart emojis, while her fans drop love heart emojis in the comments.
Earlier the actress gave on hints on her role in the film too, saying that she would portray the role of a middle class girl with high class attitude.