Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding rumours are hitting headlines currently. Reportedly they are going to tie the knot on the 15th of April at the Kapoor’s ancestral home. However, the couple has not confirmed any of the news yet. Earlier, Alia was spotted returning from the Maldives with a huge diamond ring on hand, which sparked engagement rumours, and now with the videos and pictures getting rolled on social media, it seems wedding bells have rung.
Speaking of that, Shahid Kapoor who’s been very close to Alia Bhatt, and given the fact that the two amazing actors worked together in films like Udta Punjab, Shandaar, opened up on Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding in a recent paparazzi interaction. The Jersey actor said, “I refrain to comment till there’s an official announcement. Till the time it’s media speculation, it’s a speculation.” As quoted by MSN.
However, according to reports, this wedding would be the last wedding from the Kapoor family tree and which is why the family is trying to keep the wedding all grounded to the roots. And if reports are to be believed the wedding shall take place at the lavish RK bungalow.
On the work front, the duo’s film Brahmastra, one of the most anticipated movies in the row is all set to be released in September, this year.