The Indian actor, Shahid Kapoor first made his debut in Hindi cinema with his 2003 movie Ishq Vishq. He starred in many other romantic movies after the movie. But he branched out eventually and has worked in many different genres with difficult roles. He has won quite a few accolades over the years!
We’ve seen quite a transformation with this actor over his career. Not only did he change his choice in the type of movies and roles but he also grew as a person. His fashion has become more and more quirky over the years. He has rocked quite a few looks; the lover boy look, the rockstar look, the crazy Indian version of Hamlet look, and many more.
Some of his more elegant looks have to be the ones where he’s styled in stunning Nawabi looks. The nawabi look is quite elegant in itself. After all, it is made for royalty! The actor has worn the look quite a few times and has come out looking exquisitely regal!
He has been spotted wearing the traditional black bandhgala achkan for the London wedding. In fact, both husband and wife were dressed elegantly for the event. He styled the look with a snazzy pair of sunglasses and a shiny pair of shoes.
But that isn’t the only time he’s rocked the nawabi look! He has rocked in black achkans, in nawabi jacket looks, beautiful patterned sets! Take a look at Shahid Kapoor’s top elegant nawabi looks here. Let us know which one is your favorite!