Shakib Khan, the renowned Bangladeshi actor, has expressed disappointment at the lukewarm response to his latest film ‘Toofan’ in Kolkata. The film, a massive hit in Bangladesh and other countries, could have resonated with West Bengal audiences. Directed by Raihan Rafi, ‘Toofan’ features Shakib Khan and Maiya Mimi in lead roles and has grossed over Tk 35 crore worldwide.

The film’s performance in Kolkata starkly contrasts its success in Bangladesh, where it has been a box office phenomenon. The film’s two songs, ‘Lage Uradhura’ and ‘Dusht Kokil,’ have also been well-received in Bengali. However, according to Saclink, the film’s business in India could have been better, with only Rs 7 lakh earned in the first five days.

Director Raihan Rafi remains optimistic about the future of Bangladeshi films in West Bengal despite the disappointing response to ‘Toofan.’ He believes that commercial films are still in demand in the state and hopes that ‘Toofan’ will pave the way for more Bangladeshi films to be successful in West Bengal.

Shakib Khan’s last three films have all been successful in Bangladesh, with ‘Priyatma’ grossing Rs 42 crore worldwide, a record income. The makers of ‘Toofan’ had hoped to outdo these earnings, but it seems unlikely given the film’s performance in West Bengal.

The failure of ‘Toofan’ in Kolkata raises questions about the state’s appetite for Bengali films. Despite a large Bengali-speaking population, West Bengal has yet to be receptive to Bangladeshi films recently. The owners of multiplexes in Kolkata are struggling to fill seats, and the film’s performance has disappointed all involved.