Siddhant Chaturvedi recently shared a series of images on social media featuring himself alongside actors Ishaan Khatter and Vedang Raina. The trio, who are known for their camaraderie, took a trip to Goa, and their fun-filled moments were captured in the pictures. The first image was a simple selfie, followed by a candid moment between the actors. In another photo, the group posed with a V sign, bringing a playful vibe to the collection.
As the images continued, more candid shots emerged, with the group seen enjoying their time on the beach. The series quickly caught the attention of fans, who flooded social media with comments. Many observed that the trio’s Goa trip gave off strong “Dil Chahta Hai 2” vibes, reminiscent of the iconic friendship and carefree moments in the film.
Vedang Raina also chimed in with a humorous comment, saying, “When the Goa plan actually makes it out of the group chat,” acknowledging the fun and spontaneity of the trip. The post not only showcased the actors’ close bond but also sparked conversations among fans about friendship and travel, much like the popular 2001 Bollywood film.
Interestingly, it was only a while ago that a brand TV advertisement for which the trio had collaborated and that released a while ago as well. The timing is indeed great where the mobile phone ad continues to attract everyone’s attention, the real-life candid images and their on-going Goa trip has garnered even more love from the fans.