The cotton kurta suit is something that every young actor in Bollywood has in their wardrobe. The classic staple has become a go-to for city trips, meetings, and outings. Among the celebs, Sara Ali Khan is a big lover of the basic item, and she’s regularly seen in mix-and-match outfits and designer ensembles. While we may be limited to purchasing less this season, experimenting with your own stuff is always an option. A vivid kurta set may serve you well, whether you’re holding corporate video conferences or having fun with your pals on a webcam. Take inspiration from Sara Ali Khan’s vibrant collection, which includes everything from relaxing monochromes and cold shoulder designs to blended patterns and embellishments.
If you’re a fan of Sara Ali Khan, you’re probably aware that the actress enjoys both classic and statement-making red carpet looks. Whether she’s boarding a plane, returning from a hard exercise, or running errands in the city, the actor regularly wears comfy kurtas in bright colors and designs, and her newest ensemble was no exception. Sara Ali Khan wore a mint green kurta with a lovely floral pattern on the chest and a checkered print on the bottoms for an excursion.
Sara Ali Khan was found wearing her go-to travel attire, a comfy kurta + pants pair, after wrapping off the shooting for Love Aaj Kal 2 in Himachal Pradesh. Khan completed her appearance with a pair of ivory juttis, which added to the classic feel of her attire. She accessorised with a set of tiny earrings and colorful bangles.
Sara Ali Khan’s pastel kurta set was anything from dull, with features like a scalloped hem, sheer panels on the bottoms, and block patterns. For her most recent trip, the actress wore the monochrome style and accessorized with embroidered juttis and powder pink bangles in the same color as her attire.