While we have known Rashmika Mandanna as one of the most popular fitness freaks from Bollywood, the Pushpa actress has now shown a different side of her on her social media handle. The actress has shared a photodump on her Instagram stories, where we can see her enjoying yum desserts back-to-back.
While she enjoys the scrumptious dishes back-to-back, the actress writes, “Sugar is my breakfast, lunch and dinner…somethings never change do they…”
Here take a look-
View Instagram Post 1: “Sugar” is what keeping Rashmika Mandanna alive
Earlier, Rashmika made it to the headlines after her films were called out on social media, where users urged the authorities of Karnataka to put a ban on Rashmika Mandanna’s movies permanently for being ungrateful towards Rakshit Shetty’s production house.
It happened when the actress was spotted in an interview with Curly Tales where she spoke about how she bagged her first role and the biggest break of her life but she didn’t choose to take the name of the production house that launched her, as stated in Bollywood Life.