Suhana Khan, who is Shah Rukh, and Gauri Khan’s daughter has been posting quite a few pictures of herself on her Instagram feed. She is showing the world her classy sense of fashion and her chic minimalist yet elegant makeup looks that she enjoys. Suhana Khan’s makeup is perfect for a daily look, especially if you’re interested in a minimalistic look. Take a look at Suhana Khan’s makeup that acts as the ideal makeup guide!

Glossy Pouts

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Suhana loves the glossy lips trends! You can either pair the glossy lips with a heavy makeup look of a more natural or a bare look! This look creates the perfect chance for her to get a picture with an amazing glossy pout!

Just Wing It!

She mostly prefers putting on kohl and leaving her eye makeup minimal. However, there are times when she has put on the perfect winged lines! She once paired her glossy lips with perfectly winged eyeliner. It is a classy look, perfect for any occasion!

Highlight your Best Features

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You can never go wrong with accentuating uplifted cheekbones. But applying a highlighter can be quite tricky at times! Suhana isn’t shying away from it though. She applied a highlighter to her cheekbones and nose. She enunciated her glowing look by putting on some shimmery eye-shadow as well!


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Just like she likes to use a highlighter to enunciate certain features, she also uses contouring to give her nose a lovely and flattering look. She has perfected it and is a pro at nose contouring! Depending on what you prefer, you either highlight or contour the shape of your nose!

The Natural Look

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If you’re someone who enjoys a natural look try the Suhana way! She loves the natural look and has donned it quite a few times. It enunciates your natural beauty like nothing else! Just use some concealer for your problem areas, tinted cheeks, glossy lips, a dash of highlighter, and you are good to go!

What do you think of Suhana Khan? Are you feeling inspired yet?