Tamannaah Bhatia, the heartthrob of Bollywood, recently became the talk of the town as she flaunted her fearless side with her new wild appearance in an animal-printed dress. She took the fashion level a notch up in Dubai while joining Salman Khan and others for the Dabangg Reloaded tour. The events were amazing, but Tamannaah grabbed attention with her charisma and allure. Let’s take a closer look at her outfit and also find out the price tag.
The Sikander Ka Muqaddar actress made her appearance even more interesting by wearing a Crush Panelled Midi Dress in Leopard from Zimmermann’s Resort 2025 Collection. Her style served jungle vibes, making us fans of her stunning style and statement appearances. But wait, that’s not all! It’s not just an ordinary animal-printed dress but an extraordinary piece that comes with a hefty price tag of 1,98,976 rupees.
Tamannaah’s printed dress is made with silk linen and features a jaw-dropping sweetheart neckline teamed with sparkling crystals on the top and spaghetti sleeves. The corset fitting, followed by the open skirt, defines her picturesque figure, clearly evoking a touch of glamour. Her messy hairstyle, complemented by smokey eye makeup with a dewy base, shiny cheeks, and glossy pink lips round her glass-skin look, made us fall for her. With black toe-point heels and minimal accessories, Tamannaah raised the fashion bar to another level. Throughout the photos, she showcased her beauty in a wild style.