Tamannaah Bhatia, the Mumbai-born actress made her debut in 2005 not only in Bollywood with her movie Chand Sa Roshan Chehra but also in Telugu Cinema with the movie Sree. The following year she released her first Tamil movie as well. Over the course of her career, she shifted her focus to Telugu films. Other than her acting career she also participated in stage shows.

Tamannaah Bhatia has a great taste of style and has been spotted in various gorgeous outfits whether it be casual ensembles or glam glittery sarees. One particular dress that she wore last year has still stuck with us! And we can’t help but look back at it now that summer is here full-fold!

Yellow is a great color for the summer, the bright and joyous vibes that the color gives off are just right! And it is an amazing color on the actress as well! The fair actress has been spotted in a bunch of yellow ensembles over the years: plain stunning yellow dresses, a yellow saree, and her latest one, a yellow gingham summer dress.

The dress was designed with white and yellow gingham checks with v-neckline flowy skirts and some puffy sleeves. She can tighten the dress at the waistline to fit perfectly. In the photo that she posted on her Instagram, she even has small yellow flowers in her hair that give her that soft spring vibe. Take a look at the beautiful actress dressed in this gorgeous yellow summer dress here.

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What do you think of Tamannaah Bhatia’s yellow dress?