Rashmika Mandanna, the Pushpa actress, has left fans intrigued with a cryptic post on her Instagram handle. In the picture, the “Pushpa” star can be seen bursting into laughter, exuding joy and positivity. Alongside the photo, Rashmika shared a cryptic note, stating that her reaction is in response to many things in general.
While the exact meaning behind Rashmika’s post remains a mystery, it comes shortly after reports surfaced claiming that the actress has opted out of director Venky Kudumula’s upcoming project, tentatively titled “VNR.” According to sources, Rashmika is currently juggling multiple projects, including “Pushpa 2,” a Tamil-Telugu film called “Rainbow,” two Hindi projects, and another Telugu film. With a busy schedule and conflicting dates, it is said that adjusting her availability for the Nithin starrer became challenging, leading to her decision to withdraw from the project.
Sharing the picture, Rashmika wrote, “Just my reaction to a lot of things in general”
Here take a look-
As fans eagerly await further updates from Rashmika Mandanna, they can’t help but wonder what lies ahead for the talented actress. Her cryptic post has added a layer of intrigue, leaving everyone curious about her next move in the world of cinema. Rashmika Mandanna was last seen in the movie Good Bye, alongside Amitabh Bachchan and Neena Gupta. The actress earned immense love with her work in the movie. She now has some big-budget movies in the pipeline.