Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, the couple has got a massive fan following on the internet, and their lovey-dovey dating news and pictures always make rounds on the internet. However, of late, the couple sparked gossip in the town again, soon after Lara Dutta said that she believes that the two shall get married this year.
With that said, an old video of Alia Bhatt is making rounds on the internet again, amidst all the talks and speculations made by their fans. As stated in an article by Times Of India, the video showcases Alia Bhatt saying publicly that she doesn’t like couples who go along with their intertwined hands and is ‘too much co-dependency’ As quoted by the same daily, she said, “I hate when people just sit (with interlocked hands)… holding hands is cool, but this (interlocked hands) is so co-dependent. I’m not judging anybody but still.”.
A video shared by a fan page of the two actors shows how Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor were caught tangling hands on numerous occasions. The fan page sharing the video on Instagram, said, “Alia at one point of time thought intertwined hands signified too much co-dependency. But err…she and her RK clearly love tangling hands and everything else”