Urfi Javed took it to her social media handle to share a hilarious video, leaving fans all in splits. The actress wore a gorgeous floral pink co-Ord set, that she teamed with minimal makeup look. The actress teamed it up with minimal makeup look, looking all dolled up in the baby pink outfit.

In the video, we could see Urfi Javed in her pink floral co-Ord set. The actress decked up the look with a sleek ponytail with minimal makeup and high heels. The actress could be seen posing with a pink rose in hand, while clicking a picture, however, while she wanted to throw the pink rose on the road, she throws her phone accidentally. Sharing the video, she wrote, “the uncle in the end yelling ‘phoot Gaya’ ‘phoot Gaya’”

To this, her friend comments, as she went all in splits, saying, “Lol I have done this but I instead kept my phone in the fridge and chocolate in my bag. So you won clearly.” Along with a laughter emoji.

View Instagram Post 1: Urfi Javed looks dolled up in baby pink floral co-Ord set, an uncle says, “Phoot gaya”