Vijay Deverakonda is an avid social media user. Time and again the actor has managed to revive us with his pictures and posts on social media handle. That’s that, here again the actor left us all superawed with his adorable moment with her pet doggo ‘Husky’. He shared a candid cuddly moment with the dog on his gram too.

In the picture, we can see Vijay in his homely casuals. The actor wore a graphic printed black t-shirt teamed with matching shorts. The actor could be seen hugging his cute adorable husky all tight all sitting on his home settee. Now we know, what are Sundays like to Vijay Deverakonda!

Take a look-

On the work front, Vijay was last seen in the movie ‘Liger’ alongside Ananya Panday. The movie however, didn’t earn much at the box office. However, the duo’s chemistry got huge applause from the netizens, with the classic songs featured in the movie. Apart from this, both the stars have got new movies in the line up.