Having appeared in multiple Bollywood and Hollywood movies, Priyanka Chopra is a bona fide global celebrity today. This sassy actress was evidently a style icon since the early stages of her career, when she won Miss World beauty pageant in November, 2000. Since then, Chopra has appeared in numerous Bollywood blockbusters including Dostana (2008), Barfi! (2012), Mary Kom (2014) and Bajirao Mastani (2015) to name a few!

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Her Hollywood career started with her hit series Quantico (2015-2018), where she played the lead role. She has also appeared in Hollywood movies such as Baywatch (2017) and the upcoming Cowboy Ninja Viking, alongside Chris Pratt.

Priyanka Chopra, being the best of both worlds, is also a style icon. Her fashion portfolio has changed a lot over the years. With her bold approach to fashion, and eye-catching features, here is the comparison of Priyanka’s style; then vs now.


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Back in her day pageant days, Priyanka Chopra dressed elegantly and was traditional heavy when it came to picking her attires.

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She did start sporting cool and trendy outfits in the beginning of her movie career but it was in Dostana that we saw the fashionista in her, come up on the screen with sizzling stylebook looks and outfits that could turn up the heat instantly.


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Now Priyanka Chopra is a global icon and she sure dresses like one too. Her outfits spell out grandeur and class like no other and the way she carries it with poise, just takes our breath away!

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Here she is, bringing her A game at the Met Gala, with her handsome husband Nick Jonas. We have never seen anyone else look so eccentric and worthy of being called a ‘showstopper’.

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Check her out, slaying in a black sultry dress but with such grace and panache!