After ‘The Batman’ (2021) trailer got released last month, in August, the fans were stunned with the English actor, Robert Pattinson’s DC Films debut appearance in the trailer. Although, after a few weeks the COVID-19 positive report of the actor made many fans shook. Robert Pattinson was also seen in the ‘Twilight’ movie series. He was also seen in Christopher Nolan’s ‘Tenet’ (2020) movie. He is very much dedicated and enthusiastic about his acting. Robert Pattinson has won millions of hearts with his looks and style. Apart from his acting skills, he has also been concerned about his fitness.
Robert Pattinson has got a very strict workout and diet regime. As per Men’s Journal, he was trained by Harley Pasternak, the celebrity trainer, and followed a protein-rich and healthy diet a few years back. The actor had a very different idea or a lookout towards fitness years back because of his dysmorphia and anxiety. As per several reports, he was never fond of six-packs abs. But recently he has been seen in them. His workout mainly includes a perfect five-minute cardio exercise with bicycle crunches, push-ups, dumbbell side bends, rope jumps, double crunches, and a superman. Robert’s diet includes proper hydration, fiber from vegetables, low-fat proteins like eggs, chicken, etc. and carbohydrates. Diet plays an essential function along with the workout, thus it is important to have an adequate diet as well.
You can take inspiration too, to lose some weight and stay fit.