National crush Rashmika Mandanna, who is currently basking on the success of her latest Pan India film, Pushpa, recently took to her social media to celebrate another milestone. The actress shared a small celebratory video of hers, as she crossed 25 million followers recently.
The actress posted some of her adorable photos in form of a video reel, where she’s seen cutting a cake and playing with her furball Aura, as she achieved this new milestone.
Her post was captioned as, ”Wait wait wait…..! Before I forget.. 25 M fam.. now 25.8 M fam.. we celebrated this.. ❤️? I love you.. ??”
Achieving such an incredible feat, Rashmika has toppled Bollywood actresses like Janhavi Kapoor, Kiara Advani, even before her Bollywood debut.
The actress who is touted as the ‘Next Big Thing in Bollywood’ is gearing up for her big Bollywood debut, with Mission Majnu alongside Siddharth Malhotra and ‘Goodbye’ alongside Amitabh Bachchan and Neena Gupta.
Credit: Instagram