Disha Patani, the queen of Bollywood has now shared a video on her Instagram stories leaving us all tempted with her gorgeous look. The actress kept it all cheeky and stunning with her shimmery shiny makeup look. The actress wore a deep neck casual top. The actress decked it up with a chic piece neckchain with a classic cross pendant attached.
As she shared the video on her Instagram story, we could spot the actress heading for a chilling cool car ride, while she enjoys the breeze along, leaving us astounded with her wavy voluminous tresses. The actress as shared the video grooved it up with a stunning smile and we can’t stop loving it to the core.
Here take a look-
On the work front, the actress is currently prepping up for her upcoming big-budget films. Apart from that, the actress has been leaving us all astounded with her back-to-back action scenes and practice sessions with her Martial Arts moves.