The Pan India superstar Allu Arjun is celebrating his birthday today and this marks the best time for his fans to show their unprecedented love for the Icon staar. The celebration of Allu Arjun’s birthday came with a big surprise with the release of the poster of his highly anticipated film Pushpa 2: The Rule, which went on to create fire across the nation. As the fans totally went berserk having seen the look of the superstar on the poster, they just ran to his residence to shower their wishes and love on the special occasion of his birthday.

Allu Arjun who enjoys a huge fanbase all across the nation receives a lot of love from his fans and especially when it’s his birthday the fans just couldn’t keep calm to express their love. The same has been witnessed today, when a huge crowd of fans gathered outside his residence and went all shouting and cheering to wish the superstar. As the superstar, who never leaves a chance to show his love to his fans, came outside and waved to them in gratitude for their love and support.

View Instagram Post 1: Watch: Fans throng outside Pushpa's Allu Arjun residence on his birthday!

With Pushpa fever has now started to make noise all across the nation, fans are excited to see Allu Arjun in Pushpa 2 The Rule. The actor is celebrating his 41st birthday today, and fans are going gaga over the new look of Pushpa, which the Sukumar team released yesterday. The makers revealed a spine-chilling unrecognisable poster of Allu where he’s dressed in a fascinating way donning bangles and nail paint, which has left the fans wanting more.

Pushpa 2 The Rule is directed by Sukumar and stars Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna, and Fahadh Faasil. The film is produced by Mythri Movie Makers.