In the latest episode of Nandamuri Balakrishna’s show, Unstoppable, Vijay Devrakonda, the Liger actor was the special guest, where he revealed that he worked as a child actor before turning it into full-fledged as an actor.
Balakrishna played a video of a boy from a series, where we could see the boy mouthing some dialogues, later in the episode we got to know that the boy was Vijay Deverakonda.
He said, “I studied in a residential school in Puttaparthi. A serial named Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai Divya Katha was being shot there and the team was looking for boys who were slightly on the chubby side and could say the dialogues clearly,” as stated in the Indian Express. The actor further added that while the face is his, the voice isn’t.