Ahan Shetty debuted with Tara Sutaria in the film Tadap, the film got a huge positive response from the netizens who loved Ahan and Tara’s work in the film. However, with that, the actor has now opened up on why when young he rejected Main Hoon Na and didn’t like that his father did it.
He said, “I don’t think I’ve walked out of a film, any of his films being like. ‘I don’t like this.’ I think, when I walked out of ‘Main Hoon Na’ being so young, I was very young then. I was like, ‘Why did he do this?’ I looked at him very differently. But when it comes to a film as a whole and his character, it was fantastic and I thought his performance was brilliant.”
Talking about Nepotism he said, “It is very important to not let those outside noises get to you. When it comes to nepotism, I accept it. I am a product of nepotism, my father is an actor, I wanted to become an actor and I became an actor. But at the same time, it’s about whether you deserve to be here. You have to prove that you have to be here and hopefully, I have proved that with my film. Seeing the love and appreciation that I received, I feel like maybe I proved that I belong here. But I’m not scared of the word nepotism. I feel like it exists in every field. I accept it.” as quoted by Koi Moi.