Rashmika Mandanna is all set to be having a dream run in Bollywood and how. The diva has already proven her mettle on many occasions in the past in the South film industry and all thanks to that adorable personality and super cute smile, she’s referred to as the ‘Crush Of The Nation’ for a reason. In the past as well, we have seen actresses from South blessed with opportunities to make their debut in B-Town but without any iota of doubt, none of them were as big as Rashmika’s opportunities.
The diva is all set to make her debut with not one but big movies in the form of Mission Majnu and Goodbye and the road ahead seems amazing for her. But hey, do you all know that she was once scared or petrified of Bollywood? Yes, that’s true.
As per reports in Odisha TV, during a recent conversation with Anupama Chopra, when Rashmika was asked about whether she found anything scary or not, the diva mentioned that she finds the people in the industry scary. However, reports suggest that she soon diverted the topic in that conversation and spoke about her amazing experience of working with Amitabh Bachchan in Goodbye.
What’s your take on this folks? Here’s wishing Rashmika all the best for her Bollywood debut going forward. Let us know your views in the comments below and for more updates, stay tuned to IWMBuzz.com