Disha Patani, hailing from Bareilly, entered the entertainment industry as an outsider and has earned her success through consistent hard work and delivering consecutive box office hits. Disha has a wide fanbase who admire her ability to portray diverse characters in each of her films, from her debut in “MS Dhoni: The Untold Story” to her latest film “Malang,” all of which have been loved by audiences.
Apart from the movies, Disha is also a force to reckon with on social media. Her Instagram is filled with super-hot photographs of her, enough to give people body and fitness goals. The love and obsession from the fans can sometimes be a little extra to handle, and the same reflects in the comments. So during this one interaction where Disha Patani was shown some comments that get dropped on her bombshell photographs, her hilarious reaction will win your heart.
Check out the video below –