Janhvi Kapoor, a popular actress from the Bollywood film industry has witnessed the helm of success in her small-time career span to date. With several successful movies, the actress has several other Bollywood films coming up next! With her work impressions, the South film fraternity is too keen to feature Janhvi in their films.
Several Telegu big banners have been holding offers back for Janhvi Kapoor, for her to make her Tollywood debut; however, the actress has humbly rejected all the date offers. However, the top production house Mythri Movie Makers are in talks with Janhvi Kapoor to make her the lead actress in NTR’s next film reel alongside Prashant Neel.
The production house has made an approach to the actress’ father Boney Kapoor for the same. Boney Kapoor hasn’t given any confirmation of the offers yet; as the project is to commence post-summer 2022. However, it would be a grand Tolly break for the young actress.