Deepika Padukone isn’t just a celebrity personality who is looked up to in India, but also throughout the world. The ‘Om Shanti Om’ actress had the most wonderful debut opposite Shah Rukh Khan in Farah Khan’s ‘Om Shanti Om’ and has never looked back since. She has cemented her position in the industry with some real powerpacked performances in movies. Her characters in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s period dramas like ‘Bajirao Mastani’, ‘Padmavaat’ and movies like ‘Ramleela’ and many more, have ensured that her position in the industry is well-cemented as an A-lister. She will be having a prompt and brief role in Kabir Khan’s’ 83’ opposite Ranveer Singh and this is what Deepika was quoted as saying about the film –
“Honestly speaking, I’ve always enjoyed playing characters that take a lot out of me, emotionally. Even in ’83, there are extreme highs and lows that Romi goes through in the journey towards the Indian cricket team creating history by winning the World Cup. But the film also explores lighter moments between Romi and Kapil Dev. So, in that sense, you can say that it has been a lighter part emotionally.”
Deepika recently made it to the ‘Most Admired’ list and there is no doubt in that, as she is admired in all quarters for her journey, choices and presence.
On the work front, Deepika is gearing up for her next, ‘Chhappak’, helmed by Meghna Gulzar after Kabir Khan’s ‘83’ opposite her husband Ranveer Singh. The movie looks all sorted to be a blockbuster for Ranveer after ‘Gully Boy’.