Ananya Panday has become a public figure in India. Whether she’s revealing behind-the-scenes looks from her future projects, hanging out with pals Suhana Khan and Shanaya Kapoor, or simply running chores in the city, the actress has everyone’s focus. While we wait to learn more about the doe-eyed teen, check out this gallery for a never-before-seen look into Ananya Panday’s life. We’re taking you inside her picture-perfect Mumbai home, which is located in Pali Hill in Khar West.
One of the first things you’ll notice when scrolling through Ananya Panday’s Instagram profile is her living room. The stunning graphic flooring at the Pandays’ Mumbai home, comprised of black and white marble panels, is hard to overlook. If you’ve always believed it’s best to play it safe when it comes to wall and floor colours, the Pandays’ whimsical, stylish tiling will convince you otherwise. The roof detailing in Ananya Panday’s living room perfectly balances her chaotic flooring. The spacious space is given a lived-in, rustic feel with light wood panels. To open up the room, there are several mirrors in quirky frames strewn about.
The Pandays’ living room is full of fascinating details, notwithstanding its statement-making flooring. The room has black and white baroque couches, velvety ebony and gold coffee table, and numerous enormous vases popping with flowers, all in keeping with the space’s colour theme. But wait, there’s more! The party area contains furniture that offers unexpected splashes of colour to the room, perfectly blending distinct aesthetics. A handful of shiny yellow pots and a vintage-style side table in a cheery shade of bright blue can be found on the round coffee table if you look attentively. The small elements are what tie the entire area together. The gold baroque carvings on the table, for example, coordinate with the print on the black and white couches.
In a hectic city like Mumbai, it’s critical that one’s home feels like a haven, and Ananya Panday’s home does just that. The actor’s room becomes a sun-drenched paradise throughout the day, thanks to the several floor-to-ceiling glass doors that lead to her balcony. The doors also provide a view of the Pandays’ outdoor area, which has rows and rows of plants, creating a relaxing atmosphere.