Synopsis: A young boy (Rajat’s) life changes when he moves from his village, Gonda to Lucknow city for the first time for his college education and experiences freedom, friendship, first love, and real hardships of life. Belonging to a village, Dehati is core of Rajat’s identity/culture and defines his innocent personality, his aspirations and drives his morality, and actions. He carries the weight of expectations of his family and village to ace the administrative competitive exams and that clashes with new found attractions of city and college life.
Rating: 3 stars
“Dehati Ladke,” Amazon miniTV’s latest series, directed by Prashant Singh, delves into the life of Rajat, portrayed by Shine Pandey, as he navigates the transition from a rural village to the vibrant city of Lucknow in pursuit of his UPSC dreams. The series features an ensemble cast including Shine Pandey, Raghav Sharma, Tanish Neeraj, Saamya Jainn, Aasif Khan, and Kusha Kapila in pivotal roles. The series comes with a nostalgia kick for all the viewers, and for that, Kudos!
Rajat is your typical small-town lad, sharp-minded but clueless about the city-slicker life. His squad of friends, who are basically his lifeline, help him evolve into this confident dude. “Dehati Ladke” is essentially a shoutout to anyone who has ever dared to find themselves in the midst of a bustling city.
Now, the series promises to give you all the feels—friendship, first love, life’s challenges—but here’s the kicker: it occasionally takes a detour into the land of fabrication and pretentiousness. The characters sometimes seem like they’re playing hide-and-seek with their own roles, and the ten episodes are around 20 minutes each. A tad lengthy, but we’ll survive!
The series drags on its ‘first impressions.’ The attempt to set up a rural context is a bit like watching a play rather than a real village scene. And the forced rural accent seemed way too stretched! It’s like they cranked it up to eleven. But hey, amidst the theatrics, there are some cool life lessons—consent is key (this is when Chaya, aka Kusha Kapila, counsels Rajat on the terrace), sweet romances, and that classic tale of a student crushing on a teacher.
“Dehati Ladke” isn’t your typical blockbuster, but it’s got its charm. Perfect for all you competitive exam warriors out there, it’s like a study break that won’t make you feel guilty. Learn what not to do, how to handle distractions, and maybe, just maybe, pick up a few tips for your own journey.
Shine Pandey’s portrayal of Rajat is praiseworthy, capturing the character’s growth with subtlety. The supporting cast, including Raghav Sharma, Tanish Neeraj, Saamya Jainn, Aasif Khan, and Kusha Kapila, adds depth and authenticity to the storyline.
The last kick? Amazon miniTV is giving us this gem based on a best-selling Hindi novel. So, grab your remote, settle in, and get ready for a quirky ride from the ‘dehat’ to the ‘sheher’ lights!